

I am immensely grateful to merge these ancient disciplines—Astrology, Yoga, and Ayurveda— which offer profound benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

By integrating them, we gain an ampliflied vision that integrates the whole aspects of the self, and with help of holistic tools can facilitate personal growth and self-integration.

Through this we can incorporate specific meditation and breath work, an organic practices to balance the innate elements of your individual constitution.

Yoga Practise

By combining these disciplines, we develop a personalized practice to benefit you the most.

Our two sesssions begin with a natal chart reading to uncover insights into your physical, mental and emotional states. 

In the second session, we integrate your Ayurvedic type for a balnaced and harmonious practise and lifestyle. 

This is a program of  2 session of 75 min


Meditation is one of the most powerful practices I ve ever experienced, it is by its practice that we can know who we are, it is one of first contact with ourselves in a more present way. By practicing meditation we gain awereness of our thoughts therefore our beliefs system that creates our life.

I guide and accompany you in this mediation sessions for you to incorporate meditation on a daily basis. 

We will explore different methods and tools to adjust the practice to what suits your better,  in order to gain a daily practise that you are comfortable with, that gives you the answers to all the questions that arises in the mind every time you want to meditate. 

Pranayama - Breath Work

Pranayama or the control of vital force as breath.

There are different types of pranayama or breath work and we obtain a particular benefit from each one of them.

According to your natal chart, it is possible to see how your elements are distributed,  we will also consider your dosha constitution to focus as well in the nature of your mind to develop an specific breath work that is aligned with your specific type.

With its practice you can  develop a stable and calmer mind, a solid force of will and a firm judgement.

This session takes about 60 minutes


For an accurate reading, please provide your date, month, and year of birth, along with the time and place.

Consultations can be conducted in person, particularly in the Lagos or Algarve area at present,  and typically last 90 minutes, customizable to your preferences.

Recording is available upon request; please notify in advance if needed.

If you have specific questions or themes you’re exploring, sharing them beforehand can enhance the focus of the reading.

Alternatively, the reading will offer a comprehensive overview to support your personal growth journey.

Accepted payment methods include PayPal, Bank Transfer, or Revolut. Choose the option that works best for you, and I will provide you with the necessary details.

Readings are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.


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